Bimilk obtained the certificate “Fair with the consumer”


(Bitola, 14.04.2021) – Bimilk is the only company in the dairy industry in the country that has received the certificate “Fair with the consumer”. In addition to the confirmed high quality of the products, Bimilk obtained the certificate for the demonstrated care for safety and health of consumers, the relationship built, transparency and education. Following and adhering to the high standards of work, in terms of product quality, establishing two-way communication and creating a portfolio according to customer needs, Bimilk has set the concern for customer satisfaction as its top priority, which is confirmed by this certificate.


„ Acquiring the certificate covers a wide range of obligations that the company fulfills and relates to different levels in the relationship with the consumer, where we as a company have proven our care and commitment. The current confirmation from the competent authorities only assured us that we are on the right track and encourages us to build an even closer relationship with consumers. We believe that it will further increase the trust that we continuously receive from consumers as well,” it was stated by Bimilk.


In addition to creating high quality products, quality standardization and wide availability, Bimilk has transferred its care for consumers as part of its operations by applying energy efficient, more effective and environmentally friendly processes, which have shown a high degree of dedication towards consumer safety and health. Building a transparent relationship with consumers by using fair market practices in informing, advertising, labeling and through socially responsible practices and with initiatives for safe and proper use of products that will not harm the environment, advocating for education and raising awareness among consumers for greater responsibility and care for the environment.


The certificate is awarded by the Consumers’ Organization of Macedonia, the Zenit Association and the Association of Businesses and Consultants Creation, which are also verifiers of the fulfillment of the obligations for obtaining the certificate.


In order to maintain the leading position in terms of the quality of its products, in addition to this certificate, Bimilk also has a top standard for quality management and food safety control – ISO 22000 (integrated standard from HACCP and ISO 9001) and standard for protection of the environment ISO 14000 as well as standard for health and safety at work ISO 45001 which is constantly upgraded and improved.

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