
Cow milk is linked for long time with good health of the people, which makes it one of the most consumed potions in Europe and USA.

Milk is the best source of calcium and phosphorus in the nature. The correlation between the calcium and phosphorus is ideal and the body can completely exploit the benefits of minerals in the milk. It is because of this that the milk is recommended as an inseparable part of our diet.


Lately, the world trades are in favor of consuming fresh milk because of its nutrition. This is confirmed by the latest scientific studies related with the people’s health and revealed that  fresh milk, which was very popular in the past provides many health benefits. Namely, the experts say that the fresh milk is rich with several essential nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins A, B and D.


Statistics in the western countries reveal that the citizens of Europe and lately of USA, prefer fresh milk.

In Europe fresh milk is consumed mostly in the Scandinavian countries where there is almost no long-life milk on the shelves in the markets, but also in Netherlands, Great Britain, France, Greece, Germany and Italy.

As main feature of the fresh milk the experts are pointing out the processing of the milk which effects on its fragile main components.

Fresh-pasteurized milk is processed at a temperature that destroys those bacteria that are potentially harmful to the health of the consumers.

By this there is no effect on the milk proteins and because of that the enzymes can do their beneficial function in the human body.


Bimilk in its rich offer of milk also has the Bitola fresh milk with 3, 25 milk fat.

Thanks to the latest technology that is used for the production of fresh milk, it is not necessary to cook Bitola fresh milk. Bitola fresh milk offers all the nutritive advantages of the fresh milk and at the same time it offers the practical advantage over the long-life milk with the fact that it can be consumed without cooking. Using the high quality milk from the best farms in Macedonia, fresh milk is thermally processed with pasteurization and in that way even 99, 9% of the present microorganisms are destroyed so that the milk completely preserves the biological and nutritive value.


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