Laughter and health hand in hand: 10 year partnership of Bimilk and “Zlatna Bubamara of popularity”


In the year when both “Zlatna Bubamara of popularity” celebrates its big jubilee, 20-th edition, the most popular manifestation and together with Bimilk, they are also celebrating another small jubilee-their ten year partnership.

The collaboration that these two large Macedonian brands has started since 2007, continues even today, providing year by year many memorable moments to all the lovers of quality entertainment and quality diet.

During the last 20 years every edition of “Zlatna Bubamara of popularity” has been retold until its next edition because it presents a unique musical, humorous, cultural and entertaining event for which the tickets are sold in incredible 3 minutes. The laughter and the good mood is what make our everyday life more beautiful and together with the proper diet they are perfect combination for healthy and fulfilled life.

Bimilk with its famous brand Balans+ over the years, complements, brings fun and follows the humorous and fun concept of “Zlatna Bubamara of popularity”. The creative surprises like interesting prizes, warming-up with zumba on the scene, levitating chairs, big crutch walkers and this year impressive smile-meters are just a small part of innovative concepts with which Bimilk is present at Zlatna Bubamara. The large number of good mood and smiling visitors over the years and retelling of “bubamarite” are proof of successful 10 year partnership.

Combination of friendly bacteria, probiotics and prebiotics that Balans+ contains, allows the body easier absorption of the nutrients, as well as reduction of flatulence and reliving of bad digestion that is characteristic of consuming heavy and fast food.

For perfect active metabolism, combination of Balans+ and laughter is ideal, because that way not that we speed up our metabolism and burn calories, we also reduce the stress and feel better.

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