
Tradition, highest quality and continuous success for almost 65 years Bitola diary is working on its firmly rooted mission to provide the consumers with healthy, tasty and nutritive products in order to raise their level of awareness and the necessity of healthy and balanced diet.

The fact that the company was established as the first dairy factory in Macedonia emphasizes  its long tradition, impeccable quality and 65 year dedication to the work to build a brand that carries the weight of the name “Diary Bitola”.


Bimilk planted its roots in the far 1952, when Diary Bitola was established from several commercial companies, which had daily capacity of 10.000 liters and today, after 65 years the company can boasts with annual processing of over 90 million liters of milk and production of over 54 different products.

Today, Bitola Diary is the largest producer of milk and dairy products in Macedonia, satisfying the everyday needs of more than million satisfied consumers. The customers themselves are the focus of the business strategy of the company since the begining until today.  From their needs and desires all business processes and activities begin in relation to the development, modernization and standardization of production but the constant open communication is what makes Bimilk today the company that trully touches the mind and heart of the consumer.

In fact, following the world trends and by investment in the sophisticated new technology with full commitment to the safety and quality of products and production process enbled the expansion of the asortment and creation of the products that confirmed the leading position of the company in the milk industry and dairy products.

6 years success of Bimilk, undoubtedly is due to the good relations that the company builds from its start with all subcontractors and farmers that continually deliver raw milk with highest quality. The excellent collaboration, help and the support of the developing plans for the farms speak for the fact that the dairy factory today is the largest buyer of raw milk in Macedonia.


Thanks to all of this, to all the constant innovations in the production process, to all strategic investments, but, of course thanks to the impeccable quality of the products, today Bimilk is the first choice for milk brand in Macedonia and the army of people that buy the products every day are the best evidence of the success of the company for 65 years.




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